1970 dir | same date value

Linux version 0.105 revision 664

1970 directory

I backed up my Google Apps Gmail account and a directory named 1970 was created in addition to the correctly named directories. This directory contains the correct subdirectories for the month of the emails within them but the year has been changed to 1970 on each email.

I can restore the emails only if the year remains as 1970. Changing each instance of 1970 to the correct year in the ids.txt and labels.txt files and on the file name does not allow these emails to be restored.

Same date back up all

If the Since date and the Before date are both set to the same value, the entire account is backed up. I would have presumed that no data would be backed up.

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Re: 1970 dir | same date value

I had the same problem with only one email. I found that the backed up email had not the line corresponding to "Date: ". First I wrote the line with the exact date and hour and renamed the file accordingly. Then, I put the file in the correct directoy and modified the ids.txt file, changing the entry with the correct date and hour and putting the entry in the proper place. Thus, the restore worked fine.