Comment subscription

The new feature for our site. I added support for comments subscription. Now you can (both anonymous as well as registered users) subscribe to comments of given node.

When users, either anonymous or registered, post a comment, they can subscribe to comments follow-ups. Notifications will have a teaser of the node and a link to the comment. Notifications will also have links that will allow the user to unsubscribe.

To subscribe you have to enter a valid email address and activate check box "Notify me of follow-up comments posted here."

I hope that it will help you to stay up to date with the last comments posted on this site. If you have any problems with this service just let me know. Thanks!

Comment viewing options

Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.

The comment subscribes me

A new comment subscribes me for notifications about new comments on this story. I just activated check box "Notify me of follow-up comments posted here." and entered a valid email address.

Thanks for this feature, it

Thanks for this feature, it is quite helpful. roulette onlinebootleg moviepoker websites


Important messages aren't going through...that's serious stuff when youre job hunting, breaking up with your boyfriend, etc.....I'm a Yahoo girl now.